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Sales partnerships with influencers – how to reach a larger audience and generate daily sales

ISBN: 9781345671230

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

Tired of mediocre sales results? Wanting to turn your business into a magnet for loyal customers? In this series of practical and revealing ebooks, you will have access to an arsenal of advanced strategies and technique...

276 booktokens

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Capa do livro

How to create Mental Triggers to sell every day - Master the Science Behind Persuasion

ISBN: 9781436675475

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

Tired of mediocre sales results? Wanting to turn your business into a magnet for loyal customers? In this series of practical and revealing ebooks, you will have access to an arsenal of advanced strategies and technique...

276 booktokens

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How to turn customer objections into sales opportunities

ISBN: 9781456782221

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

Tired of mediocre sales results? Wanting to turn your business into a magnet for loyal customers? In this series of practical and revealing ebooks, you will have access to an arsenal of advanced strategies and technique...

276 booktokens

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How to do an analysis of exceptional dice for sales - definitive guide to commercial success

ISBN: 9781547899326

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

Tired of mediocre sales results? Wanting to turn your business into a magnet for loyal customers? In this series of practical and revealing ebooks, you will have access to an arsenal of advanced strategies and technique...

276 booktokens

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How to use storytelling for sales and create an emotional connection with your customers

ISBN: 9781567892345

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

Tired of mediocre sales results? Wanting to turn your business into a magnet for loyal customers? In this series of practical and revealing ebooks, you will have access to an arsenal of advanced strategies and technique...

276 booktokens

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Learn to use your personalized consultancy for your customers - how to trust customers and guarantee recurring sales

ISBN: 9781567893243

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

Tired of mediocre sales results? Wanting to turn your business into a magnet for loyal customers? In this series of practical and revealing ebooks, you will have access to an arsenal of advanced strategies and technique...

276 booktokens

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How to automate your sales with Efficiency - the definitive guide to optimize your sales processes

ISBN: 9781657899438

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

Tired of mediocre sales results? Wanting to turn your business into a magnet for loyal customers? In this series of practical and revealing ebooks, you will have access to an arsenal of advanced strategies and technique...

281 booktokens

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Entwickeln Sie Ihre Business Intelligence

ISBN: 9781246712179

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

In diesem Buch begeben Sie sich auf eine Reise, um die Intelligenz zu entwickeln, die Sie benötigen, um sich in der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Geschäftswelt zurechtzufinden und Erfolg zu haben. Durch eine klare und...

234 booktokens

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Sviluppa la tua Business Intelligence

ISBN: 9781257869374

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

In questo libro intraprenderai un viaggio per sviluppare l'intelligenza necessaria per navigare nel mondo degli affari in continua evoluzione e raggiungere il successo. Attraverso un linguaggio chiaro e conciso, il lavor...

234 booktokens

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Capa do livro

Develop your business intelligence

ISBN: 9781374512221

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

In this book, you will embark on a journey to develop the intelligence you need to navigate the ever-evolving world of business and achieve success. Through clear and concise language, the work presents valuable tools an...

234 booktokens

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Développez votre Intelligence d'Affaires

ISBN: 9781394614684

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

En este libro, se embarcará en un viaje para desarrollar la inteligencia que necesita para navegar en el mundo de los negocios en constante evolución y alcanzar el éxito. A través de un lenguaje claro y conciso, el traba...

234 booktokens

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Capa do livro

Desarrolla tu Inteligencia de Negocios

ISBN: 9781467813259

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

En este libro, se embarcará en un viaje para desarrollar la inteligencia que necesita para navegar en el mundo de los negocios en constante evolución y alcanzar el éxito. A través de un lenguaje claro y conciso, el traba...

234 booktokens

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Capa do livro

Come costruire il tuo marchio su INSTAGRAM

ISBN: 9781554612253

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

In questa guida completa e pratica, intraprenderai un viaggio per svelare i segreti per creare un marchio di successo su Instagram. Attraverso un linguaggio accessibile e strategie comprovate, il lavoro ti aiuterà a defi...

245 booktokens

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Capa do livro

Cómo construir tu marca en INSTAGRAM

ISBN: 9781645621348

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

En esta guía completa y práctica, te embarcarás en un viaje para descubrir los secretos para crear una marca exitosa en Instagram. A través de un lenguaje accesible y estrategias comprobadas, el trabajo lo ayudará a defi...

245 booktokens

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Capa do livro

How to Build your Brand on INSTAGRAM

ISBN: 9781653611256

Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1

In this complete and practical guide, you will embark on a journey to unlock the secrets to creating a successful brand on Instagram. Through accessible language and proven strategies, the work will help you define your ...

245 booktokens

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