How leveraging your criativity to sell your products and services
ISBN: 9781723461736
Por: Digital World | Autor: | Edição: 1
It's great to see your enthusiasm for innovation and creativity! In fact, these skills can be extremely powerful and profitable in any type of business. It is important to remember that creativity is not just an innate gift, but also a skill that can be developed and improved with practice and dedication. Close observation and the ability to think unconventionally are key elements in stimulating creativity. Here in this e-book are some tips to help you develop your creative skills. In the content you will find: - Ability to think in an unconventional way to stimulate creativity. - How to explore different areas of knowledge, to generate a broader repertoire to generate ideas. - How to record your ideas, even if they seem strange or not viable initially, but they can lead you to something great later. - How to do brainstorming sessions, alone or with other people. - Connect seemingly disconnected information to the process of learning and creative growth. And much more!!! Remember that practice is essential to developing your creativity. The more you exercise these skills, the more natural the idea generation process will become. Plus, take advantage of additional resources like information product guides to further hone your creative skills. So, keep exploring, learning and experimenting, and you'll be on your way to creating a multitude of innovative products. Good luck in your creative adventures!