Seahorse 2 To 3 Teacher Guide
ISBN: 9786073251228
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Herrera, Mario; Hojel, Barbara | Edição: 1
Seahorse is a nursery course in which lessons introduce students to English by using interesting and stimulating activities based on CLIL. At the same time, the activities in Seahorse help children to develop fine and gross motor skills.The book is composed of 8 units, each with its own theme, which are divided into 8 lessons. Lessons are designed to be taught over either two or three days.Regarding English language teaching, the four key skills are covered (listening, reading, speaking, writing) and emphasis is placed on phonemic awareness, guided reading, tracing and listening activities.Emphasis is placed on mathematical thinking so that students learn to develop logical and structured thinking: spatial reference, patterns, repetition, order, growth, geometric patterns, etc.Personal, social and emotional development is encouraged; students will learn to say how they feel, what they need, express their emotions, what they like, dislike and so on.