On the process of maintenance decision-making in the offshore operational environment of the oil and gas industry
ISBN: 9786525236346
Por: Editora Dialética | Autor: Machado, Mario Marcondes | Edição:
The overall objective of this research is to develop a decision support framework for preventive maintenance program implementations in the offshore operational environment of the oil and gas industry. The author investigates the problems surrounding the maintenance decision-making process, which elements are systematically identified and categorized, including organizational aspects. The interface with operations is considered in order to promote integration between maintenance and production schedules. The research subjacent objectives have been to identify, among major oil and gas offshore operators, the state-of-practices regarding the maintenance decision-making process and identify, in the literature, the main techniques used for maintenance decisions and optimization in order to propose alternatives for supporting future implementations. Through a Systems Engineering approach, assisted by a literature review, interviews with experts (in Norway and in Brazil), an on-line survey and case studies, the results of this research complement a toolkit for maintenance engineers and managers aiming to facilitate information sharing and interdisciplinary cooperation in the operational environment. Among the results: A concept map for the maintenance decision-making process ontology; A plan for PM program implementations; The suggested cross-sector solution: the minimum equipment list; A Markovian dependability nomogram; and A Markov decision model application.