Novel approaches to the control of helminth parasites of livestock
ISBN: 9788547314750
Por: Appris Editora | Autor: Molento, Marcelo Beltrão; Miller, James | Edição: 1
The International Conference of Novel Approaches to The Control of Helminth Parasites of Livestock (NA) meetings has aimed to stimulate links between scientists and extension specialists and from developed, emerging and developing countries. The objective is to unite researchers that are starting to realize that helminth control could not be sustainable by the sole use of synthetic anthelmintics. Now, and although helminth infection of livestock remains a major worldwide issue for animal health, a number of alternative strategies have been proposed to alleviate their economic impact and to improve animal welfare. In 2016, the NA Conference was held in Belem, PA, Brazil with the support of the Brazilian College of Veterinary Parasitology, CBPV. The current monograph includes 15 manuscripts of the discussion papers submitted at the 8th NA Conference. These include, target treatment and Famacha method, interaction of feeding behavior and parasite infections, mapping resistant population by molecular and fecal techniques, ethnoveterinary and the use of plants, fungi and bacteria to control helminths, vaccines, new compounds, and the use of artificial intelligence to estimate parasite incidence.