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Market Leader 3Rd Edition Advanced Practice File & Practice File CD Pack
ISBN: 9781408237045
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Rogers, John | Edição: 3
Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as Financial Times....

Level 2: Gulliver'S Travels Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408278031
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Swift, Jonathan | Edição: 1
Gulliver travels across the sea from England and has an accident. He arrives in a country of very, very small people. What will they do with him? How will he talk to them? And why are the Big-enders fighting the Little-e...

Level 5: Pride And Prejudice Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408276488
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Austen, Jane | Edição: 1
Jane and Elizabeth Bennet are the oldest of five sisters in need of husbands, but it isn’t easy to find the right man. Are Mr Bingley, Mr Darcy and Mr Wickham all that they seem? Will pride and prejudice ever be defeated...

Level 2: The Prince And The Pauper Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408278130
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Twain, Mark | Edição: 1
Two babies are born on the same day in England. One boy is a prince and the other boy is from a very poor family. Ten years later, they change places for a game. But then the old king dies and they cannot change back. Wi...

Penguin readers 2: Lost In New York Book and MP3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408285107
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Escott, John | Edição: 1
This is Nicky’s first visit to New York. He is going to stay with his aunt, but she is not at the airport. Then some older boys on motorbikes play a dangerous game with him. Not long after he arrives, the police are look...

Penguin readers 2: American Life Book and MP3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408284902
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Shipton, Vicky | Edição: 1
Original / American English Most people around the world today know something about American life. The United States is a big country. Not all Americans are the same! In this book you will see the many faces of American ...

Pearson English Readers 4: Evening Class Book and MP3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408289549
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Binchy, Maeve | Edição: 1
It was the quiet ones you had to watch. That's where the real passion was lurking. They came together at Mountainview College, a down-at-the-heels secondary school on the seamy side of Dublin, to take a course in Italia...

Penguin readers 2: The Mysterious Island Book and MP3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408278116
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Verne, Jules; Twain, Mark | Edição: 1
There are three men, a boy and a dog in a balloon over the Pacific, but only two men and the boy arrive on a strange island. Mysterious things happen to them there. Are there other people on the island? Where is the othe...

Level 5: The Phantom Of The Opera Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408276471
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Leroux, Gaston | Edição: 1
There is a climate of secrecy and fear at the Paris Opera. People are dying and a beautiful, talented young singer has disappeared. Is this the work of the Opera ghost? Is the ghost a man or a monster? And what else will...

Market Leader 3Rd Edition Upper Intermediate Teacher'S Resource Book And Test Master Cd-Rom Pack
ISBN: 9781408268032
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Mascull, Bill; Wright, Lizzie | Edição: 3
Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as Financial Times....

Level 1: Olympic Promise Book And Multi-Rom With Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408261330
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Edwards, Lynda | Edição: 1
There are two important things in young Nelson’s life – running and his Granny Sarah. Trainer Ken wants Nelson to be a famous runner. Can Nelson run for his country at the Olympic Games? And does he remember his promise ...

Plpr5:British And American Short Stories Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408276273
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Lawrence, D H | Edição: 1
Contemporary / British English These stories paint colourful pictures of life in Britain and America in the past. We meet some unusual people. There's the dreamy boy who wakes up one day to find a bird making a nest in h...

Level 6: Oliver Twist Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408274286
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Dickens, Charles | Edição: 1
His mother is dead, so little Oliver Twist is brought up in the workhouse. Beaten and starved, he runs away to London, where he joins Fagin’s gang of thieves. By chance he also finds good new friends – but can they prote...

Plpr5:Outstanding Short Stories Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408276440
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Poe, Edgar A | Edição: 1
This collection brings together some of the best examples of late nineteenthand early twentieth-century short stories. Some are about ordinary people to whom something unexpected happens. Others are about unusual charact...

Level 5: Sherlock Holmes Short Stories Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408276549
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Conan Doyle, Arthur C | Edição: 1
In these six stories we join the brilliant detective, Sherlock Holmes, and his friend Dr Watson, in a variety of exciting adventures. These include several suspicious deaths, the mystery of the engineer with the missing ...