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Stopwatch 5 - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9786070613753
Por: Richmond | Autor: Geniusas, Geraldine D. | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

Stopwatch 4 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612428
Por: Richmond | Autor: Brewster, Simon | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (...

Stopwatch 6 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612398
Por: Richmond | Autor: Kirmeliene, Viviane | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (...

Stopwatch 5 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070613562
Por: Richmond | Autor: Lane, Alastair | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (...

iDentities 1 - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9788466820844
Por: Richmond | Autor: Barros, Luiz Otávio; Seligson, Paul | Edição: 1
iDentities is a brand-new two-level course for adults and young adults which gives upper-intermediate and advanced students the tools they need to speak, listen, read and write with greater fluency and accuracy. The cou...

iDentities 1 - Workbook
ISBN: 9788466820851
Por: Richmond | Autor: Barros, Luiz Otávio; Seligson, Paul | Edição: 1
iDentities is a brand-new two-level course for adults and young adults which gives upper-intermediate and advanced students the tools they need to speak, listen, read and write with greater fluency and accuracy. The cou...

Stopwatch 3 - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9786070612480
Por: Richmond | Autor: Williams, Ivor | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

Stopwatch 1 - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9786070612503
Por: Richmond | Autor: Geniusas, Geraldine D. | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

Stopwatch 2 - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9786070612497
Por: Richmond | Autor: Zuarino, Eric | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

ISBN: 9788516103491
Por: Richmond | Autor: Amos, Eduardo; Prescher, Elisabeth; Erne ... | Edição: 1
Challenge, volume único, é o material que melhor se adapta à realidade brasileira. De fácil utilização pelos professores, Challenge apresenta foco na leitura e abordagem gramatical pensada para classes heterogêneas. A no...

iDentities 1 - Student's Book
ISBN: 9788466820837
Por: Richmond | Autor: Barros, Luiz Otávio; Seligson, Paul | Edição: 1
iDentities is a brand-new two-level course for adults and young adults which gives upper-intermediate and advanced students the tools they need to speak, listen, read and write with greater fluency and accuracy. The cou...

Stopwatch 2 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612442
Por: Richmond | Autor: Kirmeliene, Viviane | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

Stopwatch 3 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612411
Por: Richmond | Autor: Lane, Alastair | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

Stopwatch 1 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612381
Por: Richmond | Autor: Brewster, Simon | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

Learn about identity
ISBN: 9788516095239
Por: Richmond | Autor: Morales, José Luis | Edição: 1
A tarefa mais importante da adolescência é a construção da identidade. É nessa fase que o jovem reconstrói seu universo interno e cria relações com o mundo externo. Essa obra propõe refletir sobre e analisar o processo d...