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Market Leader 3Rd Edition Elementary Practice File & Practice File CD Pack
ISBN: 9781408237069
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Rogers, John | Edição: 3
Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as Financial Times....

Plpr3:Fall Of The House Of Ushers & Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781447925491
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Poe, Edgar A | Edição: 1
American English There are five stories in this book. 'The Fall of the House of Usher' and 'The Barrel of Amontillado' are stories of madness; 'The Maelstrom' describes fear of death during a storm on the ocean; and in '...

Level 3: Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781447925460
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Stevenson, Robert Louis; Stevenson, Robe ... | Edição: 1
British English Why is the frightening Mr Hyde a friend of the nice Dr Jekyll? Who is the evil little man? And why does he seem to have power over the doctor? After a terrible murder, everyone is looking for Mr Hyde. But...

Level 3: Dracula Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781447925477
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Stoker, Bram; Stoker, Bram | Edição: 1
British English Count Dracula is a vampire. He drinks people's blood. He lives in a lonely castle in the mountains of Transylvania. But then he comes to England and strange things start happening. People change. People b...

Plpr3:Count Of Monte Cristo & Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781447925422
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Dumas, Alexandre; Dumas, Alexander | Edição: 1
Classic / British English Edmond Dantes is a clever young seaman, but he has enemies who tell lies about him. On the day of his wedding to the beautiful Mercedes, Edmond is thrown into prison. There he meets a man who te...

Penguin readers 3: Martin Luther King Book and MP3 Pack
ISBN: 9781447925651
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Degnan-Veness, Coleen | Edição: 1
Martin Luther King had a dream. He wanted blacks and whites to live together happily. But in America in the 1950s and 1960s, all men were not equal. King led peaceful protests against the government and won changes for t...

Level 3:Romeo And Juliet Book & Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781447925798
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Shakespeare, William; Shakespeare, Willi ... | Edição: 1
Romeo and Juliet is one of the most famous love stories in the world. But it is more than a great love story. It is also about life and death, happiness and sadness, and the terrible hate between two great families. Shak...

Penguin readers 6: Les Miserables Book and MP3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408274255
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Hugo, Victor | Edição: 1
Jean Valjean is free at last after nineteen years in prison. Cold and hungry, he is rejected by everyone he meets. But Jean’s life is changed forever when he discovers love. He spends the rest of his life helping people,...

Level 6: Anna Karenina Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408274187
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Tolstoy, Leo | Edição: 1
Classic / British English Anna Karenina, one of world literature's greatest novels, tells the story of a beautiful young woman who is unhappily married to a man much older than herself. When she falls in love with a hand...

Plpr2:Room In The Tower Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408285176
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Kipling, Rudyard; Kipling, Rudyard | Edição: 1
Three stories, three ghosts. A young woman marries an older man. His first wife is dead. Or is she …? Why does a dead man walk through his house each night? An old woman has a house with a tower. Why does she visit a you...

Plpr5:Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Book & Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408276594
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Stevenson, Robert Louis; Stevenson, Robe ... | Edição: 1
Dr Jekyll is a London doctor who is liked and respected for his work. Mr Hyde is an evil man, completely unknown in London society. There is a murder and Hyde seems to be responsible. So why does the good doctor give Mr ...

Plpr5:Grapes Of Wrath Book And Mp3 Pack
ISBN: 9781408276341
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Steinbeck, John | Edição: 1
During the Great Depression in the United States, and after the loss of their farm in Oklahoma, the Joad family is faced with a journey of more than one thousand miles to California in search of a better life. Can hope d...

New Challenges 3 Students' Book
ISBN: 9781408258385
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Harris, Michael; Mower, David; Sikorzyns ... | Edição: 2
New Challenges is perfect if you like to challenge your students. Build your students' confidence with the clear approach to grammar and vocabulary, and with exercises to develop their spoken and written language. New Ch...

New Challenges 2 Students' Book
ISBN: 9781408258378
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Harris, Michael; Mower, David; Sikorzyns ... | Edição: 2
New Challenges is perfect if you like to challenge your students. Build your students' confidence with the clear approach to grammar and vocabulary, and with exercises to develop their spoken and written language. New Ch...

New Challenges 2 Workbook & Audio CD Pack
ISBN: 9781408286135
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Kilbey, Liz | Edição: 2
New Challenges is perfect if you like to challenge your students. Build your students' confidence with the clear approach to grammar and vocabulary, and with exercises to develop their spoken and written language. New Ch...