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The Big Picture A2 - Elementary - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9788466828840
Por: Richmond | Autor: Goldstein, Ben; Jones, Ceri | Edição: 1
The Big Picture is a highly visual, stimulating, six-level course for adult and young adult learners of English, offering 90 to 120 hours of core classroom material, complemented by a wealth of digital and print resource...

The Big Picture B1 - Pre-Intermediate - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9788466828819
Por: Richmond | Autor: Goldstein, Ben; Jones, Ceri | Edição: 1
The Big Picture is a highly visual, stimulating, six-level course for adult and young adult learners of English, offering 90 to 120 hours of core classroom material, complemented by a wealth of digital and print resourc...

The Big Picture B2 - Upper-Intermediate - Workbook
ISBN: 9788466831765
Por: Richmond | Autor: Goldstein, Ben; Jones, Ceri | Edição: 1
The Big Picture is a highly visual, stimulating, six-level course for adult and young adult learners of English, offering 90 to 120 hours of core classroom material, complemented by a wealth of digital and print resource...

The Big Picture A2 - Elementary - Workbook
ISBN: 9788466831697
Por: Richmond | Autor: Medina, Sarah | Edição: 1
The Big Picture is a highly visual, stimulating, six-level course for adult and young adult learners of English, offering 90 to 120 hours of core classroom material, complemented by a wealth of digital and print resource...

The Big Picture B2 - Upper-Intermediate - Teacher´s Book
ISBN: 9788466828505
Por: Richmond | Autor: Dignen, Sheila | Edição: 1
The Big Picture is a highly visual, stimulating, six-level course for adult and young adult learners of English, offering 90 to 120 hours of core classroom material, complemented by a wealth of digital and print resource...

The Big Picture B1+ - Intermediate - Workbook
ISBN: 9788466831758
Por: Richmond | Autor: Hughes, Jake | Edição: 1
The Big Picture é uma coleção de 6 volumes altamente visual e estimulante para adultos e jovens adultos, oferecendo de 90 a 120 horas de material básico em sala de aula, que pode ser ampliado por uma grande variedade de ...

The Big Picture B1+ - Intermediate - Student's Book
ISBN: 9788466829090
Por: Richmond | Autor: Goldstein, Ben; Jones, Ceri | Edição: 1
The Big Picture is a highly visual, stimulating, six-level course for adult and young adult learners of English, offering 90 to 120 hours of core classroom material, complemented by a wealth of digital and print resourc...

The Big Picture B1+ - Intermediate - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9788466829649
Por: Richmond | Autor: Dignen, Sheila | Edição: 1
The Big Picture is a highly visual, stimulating, six-level course for adult and young adult learners of English, offering 90 to 120 hours of core classroom material, complemented by a wealth of digital and print resource...

Peter Pan / Peter Pan
ISBN: 9788555501623
Por: Vale das Letras | Autor: Amorim, Patrícia; Brandes, Fabiana | Edição: 1
A Editora Vale das Letras traz para você uma forma fácil e divertida de incentivar suas crianças a praticar a língua inglesa!   A série Meu Livro Bilíngue vai levar os peque...

Aprendendo sobre jogos olímpicos
ISBN: 9786557795323
Por: Santillana | Autor: Amendola, Roberta | Edição: 1
Novidades da segunda edição: Inclusão dos novos esportes que serão disputados nos Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos de verão (Tóquio 2021) e que foram disputados nos Jogos Paralímpicos de Inverno (Pyeong...

Learn about the Olympic Games
ISBN: 9786557795316
Por: Richmond | Autor: Amendola, Roberta | Edição: 1
Novidades da segunda edição: Inclusão dos novos esportes que serão disputados nos Jogos Olímpicos e Paralímpicos de verão (Tóquio 2021) e que foram disputados nos Jogos Paralímpicos de Inverno (Pyeongc...

English iD 2 - Student's Book
ISBN: 9788466825573
Por: Richmond | Autor: Barros, Luiz Otávio; Lethaby, Carol; Sel ... | Edição: 2
English iD 2nd Edition achieves this goal by: emphasizing fluency and accuracy; embracing cognates for speakers of Spanish and Portuguese, enriching texts and building vocabulary faster; highlighting stressed sy...

English iD 3 - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9788466830577
Por: Richmond | Autor: Seligson, Paul; Williams, Damian; Trinda ... | Edição: 2
English ID 2nd Edition keeps all the successful features of English ID, but highly improved. It is an engaging four-level series for adults and young adults, with an emphasis on speaking both accurately and fluently. It...

English iD 2A - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9788466832465
Por: Richmond | Autor: Seligson, Paul; Lethaby, Carol; Barros, ... | Edição: 2
English ID 2nd Edition keeps all the successful features of English ID, but highly improved. It is an engaging four-level series for adults and young adults, with an emphasis on speaking both accurately and fluently. It...

English iD 3A - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9788466832526
Por: Richmond | Autor: Seligson, Paul; Gray, Leanne; Barros, Lu ... | Edição: 2
English ID 2nd Edition keeps all the successful features of English ID, but highly improved. It is an engaging four-level series for adults and young adults, with an emphasis on speaking both accurately and fluently. I...