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Penguin Kids 6: A World Of Homes Clil

ISBN: 9781408288160

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Taylor, Nicole | Edição: 1

There are old homes, new homes, and mobile homes. Green homes, intelligent homes, and strange homes, too! There's a home made from bottles. A treehouse made from glass. Palaces for kings and queens. And people living in ...

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Penguin Kids 6: Our Changing Planet Clil

ISBN: 9781408288467

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Degnan-Veness, Coleen | Edição: 1

More than 1.2 million plant and animal species live on Earth. There are dry deserts, icy deserts, rainforests, grasslands, mountains and oceans. All amazing habitats for life on this planet. But the climate is changing… ...

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Penguin Kids 5: Harry'S Clothes Project Clil

ISBN: 9781408288412

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Crook, Marie | Edição: 1

When Harry's teacher asks the class to do a project about clothes, he is worried. Then he thinks about clothes today, and at different times in history, and what they are made of. Before long, Harry discovers he knows mo...

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Penguin Kids 1: Wheels Go Round Clil

ISBN: 9781408288221

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Wilson, Rachel | Edição: 1

The town is busy today. Swish-swash! Beep! Beep! Wooo! Wooo! Ring! Ring! Two wheels, four wheels, six or eight? Is it a car, a bicycle, or a bus?...

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Penguin Kids 1: Making Music Clil

ISBN: 9781408288214

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Taylor, Nicole | Edição: 1

Music has got a tune.A tune has got a beat.Some tunes are good.Some tunes are bad.Do you like music?...

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Penguin Kids 3: Up In The Air Clil

ISBN: 9781408288320

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Crook, Marie | Edição: 1

A hot air balloon is an aircraft. A helicopter moves in an interesting way. An A380 jet plane has 22 wheels. Let's read and learn about flying.......

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My English Grammar With Myenglishlab

ISBN: 9788581437620

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Pearson | Edição: 1

MyEnglishGrammar foi desenvolvida especialmente para os estudantes brasileiros da língua inglesa, com o objetivo de suprir as necessidades gramaticais, comunicativas e lexicais dos conteúdos linguísticos mais relevantes...

1.503 booktokens

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Shakespeare - His Life And Plays

ISBN: 9781408294413

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Fowler, Will | Edição: 2

Pearson English Readers offer an incredible range of popular titles and best-selling authors across a range of genres written for teenage and adult learners. Perfect to enjoy reading for pleasure, in or out of the classr...

576 booktokens

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Penguin readers 3: New York Book and MP3 Pack

ISBN: 9781447925699

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Shipton, Vicky; Lerner, Alan J | Edição: 1

Every year, millions of tourists visit New York—the most exciting city in the world. Read about its history, its sights and its people. What makes New York “the city that never sleeps?”...

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Level 3: A Midsummer Night'S Dream Book And Mp3 Pack

ISBN: 9781447925675

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Shakespeare, William | Edição: 1

This wonderful story of fairies, dreams and lovers is as popular today as it was in Shakespeare’s time. In a wood outside Athens, four young people are following their dreams, while fairies play strange games with them. ...

576 booktokens

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Market Leader 3Rd Edition Elementary Practice File & Practice File CD Pack

ISBN: 9781408237069

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Rogers, John | Edição: 3

Market Leader 3rd Edition has been completely updated to reflect the fast-changing world of business using authoritative and authentic business sources such as Financial Times....

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Plpr3:Fall Of The House Of Ushers & Mp3 Pack

ISBN: 9781447925491

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Poe, Edgar A | Edição: 1

American English There are five stories in this book. 'The Fall of the House of Usher' and 'The Barrel of Amontillado' are stories of madness; 'The Maelstrom' describes fear of death during a storm on the ocean; and in '...

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Level 3: Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde Book And Mp3 Pack

ISBN: 9781447925460

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Stevenson, Robert Louis; Stevenson, Robe ... | Edição: 1

British English Why is the frightening Mr Hyde a friend of the nice Dr Jekyll? Who is the evil little man? And why does he seem to have power over the doctor? After a terrible murder, everyone is looking for Mr Hyde. But...

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Plpr3:Count Of Monte Cristo & Mp3 Pack

ISBN: 9781447925422

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Dumas, Alexandre; Dumas, Alexander | Edição: 1

Classic / British English Edmond Dantes is a clever young seaman, but he has enemies who tell lies about him. On the day of his wedding to the beautiful Mercedes, Edmond is thrown into prison. There he meets a man who te...

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Level 3: Dracula Book And Mp3 Pack

ISBN: 9781447925477

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Stoker, Bram; Stoker, Bram | Edição: 1

British English Count Dracula is a vampire. He drinks people's blood. He lives in a lonely castle in the mountains of Transylvania. But then he comes to England and strange things start happening. People change. People b...

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