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Stopwatch 6 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612398
Por: Richmond | Autor: Kirmeliene, Viviane | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (...

Stopwatch 5 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070613562
Por: Richmond | Autor: Lane, Alastair | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (...

Stopwatch 4 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612428
Por: Richmond | Autor: Brewster, Simon | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (...

iDentities 1 - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9788466820844
Por: Richmond | Autor: Barros, Luiz Otávio; Seligson, Paul | Edição: 1
iDentities is a brand-new two-level course for adults and young adults which gives upper-intermediate and advanced students the tools they need to speak, listen, read and write with greater fluency and accuracy. The cou...

iDentities 1 - Workbook
ISBN: 9788466820851
Por: Richmond | Autor: Barros, Luiz Otávio; Seligson, Paul | Edição: 1
iDentities is a brand-new two-level course for adults and young adults which gives upper-intermediate and advanced students the tools they need to speak, listen, read and write with greater fluency and accuracy. The cou...

Stopwatch 2 - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9786070612497
Por: Richmond | Autor: Zuarino, Eric | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

Stopwatch 3 - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9786070612480
Por: Richmond | Autor: Williams, Ivor | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

Stopwatch 1 - Teacher's Book
ISBN: 9786070612503
Por: Richmond | Autor: Geniusas, Geraldine D. | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

ISBN: 9788516103491
Por: Richmond | Autor: Amos, Eduardo; Prescher, Elisabeth; Erne ... | Edição: 1
Challenge, volume único, é o material que melhor se adapta à realidade brasileira. De fácil utilização pelos professores, Challenge apresenta foco na leitura e abordagem gramatical pensada para classes heterogêneas. A no...

iDentities 1 - Student's Book
ISBN: 9788466820837
Por: Richmond | Autor: Barros, Luiz Otávio; Seligson, Paul | Edição: 1
iDentities is a brand-new two-level course for adults and young adults which gives upper-intermediate and advanced students the tools they need to speak, listen, read and write with greater fluency and accuracy. The cou...

Stopwatch 3 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612411
Por: Richmond | Autor: Lane, Alastair | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

Stopwatch 1 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612381
Por: Richmond | Autor: Brewster, Simon | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

Stopwatch 2 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612442
Por: Richmond | Autor: Kirmeliene, Viviane | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...

Don Quijote de la Mancha II
ISBN: 9788516098094
Por: Santillana | Autor: Cervantes, Miguel de | Edição: 1
El Quijote narra la historia de un hidalgo manchego que, enloquecido por la lectura de libros de caballerías, decide hacerse caballero andante, con el nombre de don Quijote de la Mancha. En su locura decide salir a busca...

What's on - aprenda inglês com filmes e séries
ISBN: 9788578278793
Por: WMF Martins Fontes | Autor: Acunzo, Cristina Mayer; Delega-Lucio, De ... | Edição: 1
Assistir a filmes e séries de televisão em inglês é uma maneira proveitosa de aprender e aprimorar o uso da língua, pois podemos observar fatores como entonação, expressões idiomáticas e verbos frasais, além de outros el...