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A arte de escrever ensaios

ISBN: 9788573212822

Por: Iluminuras | Autor: Hume, David | Edição: 1

A maior parte dos discursos do sr. Hume é uma cópia tão exata do método mais perfeito e fácil de investigação, que vemos, diante de nós, a cada passo do argumento, a maneira como ele teria concebido os sentimentos que re...

1.071 booktokens

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English iD 1 - Teacher's Book

ISBN: 9788466830515

Por: Richmond | Autor: Seligson, Paul; Meldrum, Nicola; Trindad ... | Edição: 2

 English ID 2nd Edition keeps all the successful features of English ID, but highly improved. It is an engaging four-level series for adults and young adults, with an emphasis on speaking both accurately and fluently. It...

2.439 booktokens

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Personal Best C1 Sudent's Book and Workbook B - American English

ISBN: 9788466827416

Por: Richmond | Autor: Bradfield, Bess | Edição: 1

 Personal Best is a 6-level general English course for today’s busy young adults who want to maximize their English language learning experience.Developed with series editor Jim Scrivener, an internationally renowned tea...

2.070 booktokens

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Personal Best C1 Sudent's Book and Workbook A - American English

ISBN: 9788466825542

Por: Richmond | Autor: Bradfield, Bess | Edição: 1

 Personal Best is a 6-level general English course for today’s busy young adults who want to maximize their English language learning experience.Developed with series editor Jim Scrivener, an internationally renowned tea...

2.070 booktokens

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English iD 3 - Student's Book

ISBN: 9788466826112

Por: Richmond | Autor: Gray, Leanne; Seligson, Paul | Edição: 2

English ID 2nd Edition keeps all the successful features of English ID, but highly improved. It is an engaging four-level series for adults and young adults, with an emphasis on speaking both accurately and fluently. It ...

2.493 booktokens

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English iD 1 - Workbook

ISBN: 9788466830553

Por: Richmond | Autor: Seligson, Paul; Abraham, Tom; Gontow, Cr ... | Edição: 2

 English ID 2nd Edition keeps all the successful features of English ID, but highly improved. It is an engaging four-level series for adults and young adults, with an emphasis on speaking both accurately and fluently. It...

1.314 booktokens

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English iD 3 - Workbook

ISBN: 9788466830560

Por: Richmond | Autor: Seligson, Paul; Abraham, Tom; Gontow, Cr ... | Edição: 2

English ID 2nd Edition keeps all the successful features of English ID, but highly improved. It is an engaging four-level series for adults and young adults, with an emphasis on speaking both accurately and fluently. It ...

1.314 booktokens

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English iD 1 - Student's Book

ISBN: 9788466826068

Por: Richmond | Autor: Lethaby, Carol; Seligson, Paul | Edição: 2

English ID 2nd Edition keeps all the successful features of English ID, but highly improved. It is an engaging four-level series for adults and young adults, with an emphasis on speaking both accurately and fluently. It ...

2.493 booktokens

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Dicionário Português/Árabe – Árabe/Português

ISBN: 9788552100584

Por: Edipro | Autor: Fayad, Omar | Edição: 3

Este dicionário foi elaborado de forma didática e organizada para atender aqueles que precisam se comunicar em árabe de forma coloquial. A versão Português/Árabe inclui a transliteração dos verbetes ár...

683 booktokens

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Personal Best B2 Sudent's Book and Workbook A - American English

ISBN: 9788466826525

Por: Richmond | Autor: Barros, Luiz Otávio | Edição: 1

 Personal Best is a 6-level general English course for today’s busy young adults who want to maximize their English language learning experience.Developed with series editor Jim Scrivener, an internationally renowned tea...

2.070 booktokens

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Personal Best B2 Sudent's Book and Workbook B - American English

ISBN: 9788466826310

Por: Richmond | Autor: Barros, Luiz Otávio | Edição: 1

 Personal Best is a 6-level general English course for today’s busy young adults who want to maximize their English language learning experience.Developed with series editor Jim Scrivener, an internationally renowned tea...

2.070 booktokens

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Personal Best B2 Sudent's Book - British English

ISBN: 9788466827072

Por: Richmond | Autor: Barros, Luiz Otávio | Edição: 1

 Personal Best is a 6-level general English course for today’s busy young adults who want to maximize their English language learning experience.Developed with series editor Jim Scrivener, an internationally renowned tea...

2.637 booktokens

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Personal Best B2 Workbook - British English

ISBN: 9788466821025

Por: Richmond | Autor: Walter, Elizabeth; Woodford, Kate | Edição: 1

  The workbook provides a page of practice for each student's book lesson and an additional review and practice spread to revise the content fron the whole unit.The workbook offers comprehensive self-study practice of th...

1.503 booktokens

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ISBN: 9788555502095

Por: Vale das Letras | Autor: Fuchs, Adênio | Edição: 1

A série Caligrafia Bilíngue foi criada especialmente para agregar o contato dos pequenos com a língua inglesa! Com essa série as crianças irão desenvolver suas habilida...

152 booktokens

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ISBN: 9788555502071

Por: Vale das Letras | Autor: Fuchs, Adênio | Edição: 1

A série Caligrafia Bilíngue foi criada especialmente para agregar o contato dos pequenos com a língua inglesa! Com essa série as crianças irão desenvolver suas habilida...

152 booktokens

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