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Penguin Kids 2: Tom At The Harbour Clil

ISBN: 9781408288276

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Ingham, Barbara | Edição: 1

Tom loves the harbor. Every weekend, he buys an ice cream and watches the boats. What can he show you? What can he see with the binoculars? There are big boats, small boats, and strong boats. What are the names of t...

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Penguin Kids 5: Island Hopping Clil

ISBN: 9781408288436

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Laidlaw, Caroline | Edição: 1

A penguin decides to look for a new home. Somewhere quiet, with more space. Let's go with her on a journey to different islands around the world... And see what we discover......

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Penguin Kids 3: Butterflies and Frogs Clil

ISBN: 9781408288337

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Wilson, Rachel | Edição: 1

Hannah is a scientist. Let her show you the fascinating life cycles of two different creatures - the peacock butterfly and the red-eyed tree frog. This reading series features carefully crafted language that fits with En...

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Penguin Kids 4: Brain Gym Clil

ISBN: 9781408288153

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Miller, Laura | Edição: 1

Every day your brain tells you to eat, sleep, run, jump and think. Exercise can make your brain work better. Learn about your brain and try the activities....

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Penguin Kids 6: A World Of Homes Clil

ISBN: 9781408288160

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Taylor, Nicole | Edição: 1

There are old homes, new homes, and mobile homes. Green homes, intelligent homes, and strange homes, too! There's a home made from bottles. A treehouse made from glass. Palaces for kings and queens. And people living in ...

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Penguin Kids 6: Our Changing Planet Clil

ISBN: 9781408288467

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Degnan-Veness, Coleen | Edição: 1

More than 1.2 million plant and animal species live on Earth. There are dry deserts, icy deserts, rainforests, grasslands, mountains and oceans. All amazing habitats for life on this planet. But the climate is changing… ...

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Penguin Kids 5: Harry'S Clothes Project Clil

ISBN: 9781408288412

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Crook, Marie | Edição: 1

When Harry's teacher asks the class to do a project about clothes, he is worried. Then he thinks about clothes today, and at different times in history, and what they are made of. Before long, Harry discovers he knows mo...

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Penguin Kids 1: Wheels Go Round Clil

ISBN: 9781408288221

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Wilson, Rachel | Edição: 1

The town is busy today. Swish-swash! Beep! Beep! Wooo! Wooo! Ring! Ring! Two wheels, four wheels, six or eight? Is it a car, a bicycle, or a bus?...

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Penguin Kids 1: Making Music Clil

ISBN: 9781408288214

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Taylor, Nicole | Edição: 1

Music has got a tune.A tune has got a beat.Some tunes are good.Some tunes are bad.Do you like music?...

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Penguin Kids 3: Up In The Air Clil

ISBN: 9781408288320

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Crook, Marie | Edição: 1

A hot air balloon is an aircraft. A helicopter moves in an interesting way. An A380 jet plane has 22 wheels. Let's read and learn about flying.......

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Expert Proficiency Student's Resource Book

ISBN: 9781408299005

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Roderick, Megan; Nuttall, Carol; Kenny, ... | Edição: 1

Five exam titles that provide rigorous exam training for high-achieving students, allowing them to develop their language awareness and achieve their full potential. Expert provides everything students need to succeed in...

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Penguin Kids 3: Festival Fun Clil

ISBN: 9781408288146

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Ingham, Barbara | Edição: 1

We all like to celebrate special occasions. Learn about some of the different festivals people celebrate around the world....

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Penguin Kids 1: Katie Grows A Bean Plant Clil

ISBN: 9781408288238

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Crook, Marie | Edição: 1

Katie likes beans. They are her favorite vegetable. She gets a small jar, some paper towel, and a bean seed. Does the seed grow?...

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Penguin Kids 2: Awake At Night Clil

ISBN: 9781408288283

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Miller, Laura | Edição: 1

Amy and Jack visit their cousin, Max, in the countryside. They can't sleep - and meet the animals that come out at night. This reading series features carefully crafted language that fits with English language learners' ...

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Penguin Kids 4: Animal Athletes Clil

ISBN: 9781408288382

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Laidlaw, Caroline | Edição: 1

he fastest flying insect is a dragonfly. A kangaroo can jump 13.5 metres. Dolphins are intelligent and friendly animals. Animal Athletes of land, sea and air. There are cool cats and other acrobats. Let's read about them...

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