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Plpres:Hannah And The Hurricane Bk/Cd Pack
ISBN: 9781405880596
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Escott, John | Edição: 2
Hannah loves her job on old Mr Duval's small boat. The boat takes people to the beautiful coral reef every day. Then a rich man arrives with a big new boat. Suddenly, there isn't any work for Hannah and Mr Duval. Then th...

Pearson English Readers 1: The Gift Of The Magi & Other Stories Book and CD Pack
ISBN: 9781405878043
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Henry, O | Edição: 2
American English (Available February 2008) O. Henry's stories are very famous. He writes about New York, Texas, Oklahoma ... Money and love are often problems. But how is a story going to finish? You never know. Readers ...

Penguin Readers 1: Surfer! Book and CD Pack
ISBN: 9781405878210
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Harvey, Paul | Edição: 2
On the beach near Nick’s home there is a surfing competition with a big prize. Nick is a very good surfer. He wants to win the prize and go to Australia. But Nick’s father is not happy. Can Nick win the competition and g...

Penguin Readers 1: Run For Your Life Book and CD Pack
ISBN: 9781405878197
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Waller, Stephen | Edição: 2
Kim is running through the streets of the old town. She is frightened. A man with dark eyes and a knife is looking for her. He is going to catch her. This holiday in beautiful Barcelona is suddenly very dangerous. Where ...

The Great Gatsby
ISBN: 9781408276358
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Fitzgerald, F. Scott | Edição: 1
Pearson English Readers offer an incredible range of popular titles and best-selling authors across a range of genres written for teenage and adult learners. Perfect to enjoy reading for pleasure, in or out of the classr...

Food For Thought
ISBN: 9781447925514
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Francis, Pauline | Edição: 1
Pearson English Readers offer an incredible range of popular titles and best-selling authors across a range of genres written for teenage and adult learners. Perfect to enjoy reading for pleasure, in or out of the classr...

The Last Of The Mohicans
ISBN: 9781408278086
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Cooper, James Fenimore | Edição: 2
Pearson English Readers offer an incredible range of popular titles and best-selling authors across a range of genres written for teenage and adult learners. Perfect to enjoy reading for pleasure, in or out of the classr...

ISBN: 9781447934912
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Gram, Dewey | Edição: 1
Pearson English Readers offer an incredible range of popular titles and best-selling authors across a range of genres written for teenage and adult learners. Perfect to enjoy reading for pleasure, in or out of the classr...

Longman dicionário escolar
ISBN: 9788576592860
Por: Pearson English | Autor: Pearson | Edição: 1
Mais Atualizado! O primeiro dicionário bilíngue colorido de acordo com a Nova Reforma Ortográfica da língua Portuguesa. Mais completo! Mais de 600 novas palavras e um caderno de exercícios....