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ISBN: 9781408288375

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Crook, Marie | Edição: 1

Children improve their English while exploring and learning about other cultures, science,nature and different places, and people across the world.- Activities at the end of the book further explore the topic and aid com...

531 booktokens

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Penguin Kids 5: Harry'S Clothes Project Clil

ISBN: 9781408288412

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Crook, Marie | Edição: 1

When Harry's teacher asks the class to do a project about clothes, he is worried. Then he thinks about clothes today, and at different times in history, and what they are made of. Before long, Harry discovers he knows mo...

531 booktokens

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Penguin Kids 3: Up In The Air Clil

ISBN: 9781408288320

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Crook, Marie | Edição: 1

A hot air balloon is an aircraft. A helicopter moves in an interesting way. An A380 jet plane has 22 wheels. Let's read and learn about flying.......

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Penguin Kids 1: Katie Grows A Bean Plant Clil

ISBN: 9781408288238

Por: Pearson English | Autor: Crook, Marie | Edição: 1

Katie likes beans. They are her favorite vegetable. She gets a small jar, some paper towel, and a bean seed. Does the seed grow?...

531 booktokens

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