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Livro impresso
Stopwatch 4 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612428
Por: Richmond | Autor: Brewster, Simon | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (...

Livro impresso
Stopwatch 1 - Student's Book + Workbook
ISBN: 9786070612381
Por: Richmond | Autor: Brewster, Simon | Edição: 1
Stopwatch is a motivating, visually engaging six-level series for teenagers. It offers a choice of entry-point level (Starter, Beginner or Beginner Plus) and develops skills through B1 of the Common European Framework (C...